‘ Sheelam Param Bhushanam ‘ is a maxim applicable to our society. As per the maxim ,patriotism, discipline ,fraternity and self - dependency are the four pillers of human civilization. Jeevanvikas society has set up his path on above maxim and follow the four objectives while providing better education. The founder president and present executive president honble Mr. Baburao Zade has set his motto to uplift the downtrodden and the financially backward class of our society through education. With these soul objectives he established Navpratibha Mahavidhyalaya in 2008. We know the students who admit in our college belong to very poor and working class. To cater the need of our student ,we encourage them for learn and earn. We not only provide them knowledge but we stress more on skill based education. Our teaching staff is more friendly towards our students need. We develop our student as a member of Navpratibha family. Even After competing their education , our student remain connected with us like a united family member.
In modern throat-cutting competition , we nuture our students with human values. Our college has been identified for cultivating humanistic and academic values. In addition to provide syllabus based knowledge, we encourage them to develop versatile and comprehensive personality. Our objective is to set our student in the world with self – respect, self-reliance and satisfaction. We have qualified and technical staff who cater the need of the students. Our teaching staff extremely contributed for the overall development of our student. We consider, it is our duty to bring harmony and satisfaction through education. The river of knowledge should flow smoothly and enlighten the genrations.